Fire and flood damaged floor restoration
Our fire and flood damaged floors and tiles restoration services:
- We provide our comprehensive fire and flood affected floor restorations throughout the UK (except Scotland).
- We regularly deal with major insurers and loss adjusters along with their dedicated property repair teams and contractors.
- If you have had either a fire or flood event then in most cases we will be able to restore your floor back to its former condition and in many cases your floor or wall tiles will look better than before.
- We have built an extensive knowledge base and expertise in disaster event restorative techniques over 20 years.
In order to minimise the damage caused to your walls or floors please read our important checklist below.
Preserving your floors after a fire or flood
Please bear in mind that you are entitled to request deployment of our specialist services at an early stage by asking your cleaning and drying company (who often project manage your claim on behalf of the insurers) or directly through your insurers.
We will provide your insurance company with our recommendations and costs and suggest the immediate actions that will be required by us; these early actions will help to mitigate any unnecessary and further damage and costs.
In most cases we are able to reduce the loss to the insurers by fully restoring your existing floor and without the need for them to replace it and results in less inconvenience and disruption to yourself.
Immediate remedial actions to take for Flood damaged floors:
1. Remove the existing seals and polishes from the affected floor as soon as possible; this applies to all floor types both hard and wooden and this process should be carried out as soon as is practicable after the flooding event; failure to do this will greatly inhibit the drying out of the floor surface and in many cases the damage will be made considerably worse as the water is held in the material causes the material to either erode or warp hard surfaces may also become effected by severe effervescence and calcium deposits which can cause permanent and lasting staining to your floor.
2. Using the correct floor seal removal process is also important and whilst your insurers or yourself may have appointed a Company to clean and dry your property we recommend that you call upon our specialist services to deal with the floor retrieval works as mistakes made at this early stage may result in lasting damage to the floor.
3. With the floor seals removed the floor should be left until the substrate (most commonly concrete) and floor are completely dry, the length of drying time will depend on the nature and severity of flooding and this can take some time. Your cleaning-drying contractor should be able to test the moisture content of the building and issue you with a 'drying certificate'.
4. When drying is complete we will return to re test the moisture content of your floor and carryout any further restorative works that are necessary; when these are complete we will re seal your floor and provide full you with full written after care instructions.
Immediate remedial actions to take for Fire damaged floors:
1. Remove all smoke and soot deposits from the floors as soon as possible; this applies to all floor types both hard and wooden and this process should be carried out as soon as is practicable after the fire event; failure to do may result in permanent staining to the floor or tiled wall affected areas. Once again we would recommend the deployment of our services especially in instances where Marble, Travertine or limestone are involved as the use of incorrect cleaning techniques and chemicals in removing smoke deposits can result in permanent damage to the surface or at the very least involve unnecessary restorative works at a later stage.
2. Refinish the floor or wall tiles using the correct sealing or polishing method and techniques; again this is best left to us as we have the expertise and equipment to do this.
What to expect
Examples of our flood and fire event floor restoration projects.
Fire damaged travertine tiles restored in Cirencester
Flood damaged terracotta floor restored in Topsham near Exeter


Flood damaged flagstone floor restored in Oxfordshire


It is important to note that it is not just the floor that needs to dry but also the substrate, which in this case was concrete. The drying time of the concrete will be dependent on the amount, type and duration of the flooding event. We carryout our own moisture tests before re cleaning the flagstones and treating any incidence of effervescence before resealing the floors.
If you have an old period flagstone floor then your under floor will comprise of lime mortar or ash and then soil and in these cases flooding is far less of a problem in terms of drying as the flood water will drain easily through the substrate.
Water damaged parquet floor replaced in Nottingham
Victorian quarry floor restored after a flood

Pitch pine parquet floor repaired after a flood
