"My neglected old flagstone floor has been redeemed beyond recognition – Thank you"
Period flagstone floor restoration
Our Flagstone floor restoration Services:
Replacing damaged flagstones.
Regrouting flagstones
Treating effervescence
Removal of inappropriate floor coverings and finishes
Refinishing, sealing and polishing flagstones
Sandblasting flagstones (only carried out in severe cases)
What to expect:
Here are just a few examples of our work - after 20 years spent restoring these floors we have accumulated a vast library of photographs showing the results of our work. We have many more examples of restored period Flagstone floors that we are able to send you and we are often able to send you a very close example of your own flagstone floor!
Flagstones Blue Lias in Portishead Bristol
Ingrained soiling and incorrect seals and contaminates have caused delamination of the stones. It is important to remove all contaminates especially varnishes as these are impermeable to moisture and result in the softening of the stone; in severe cases the high moisture content of the stone can result in the flagstone disintegrating. Varnish, linoleum and other unsuitable coverings were applied mainly in the 60’s -70’s.
Flagstones with contaminates removed, some grout replaced and resealed with micro porous stain resistant protective sealants allowing the stone to ‘breathe’; finally the flagstones were polished.
Flagstone repair in the Cotswold
Heavily contaminated with old bitumen coverings; once again these contaminates cause damage to the stone as they are not permeable to moisture.
Bitumen and other contaminates now chemically removed, flagstones re grouted with lime mortar then resealed with a micro porous stain resistant sealants and finally polished.
Flagstone repair in Stratford- Upon-Avon
Substantial repairs were required; we sourced closely matching Blue lias flagstone replacements, re levelled some of the stones before deep cleaning, sealing and machine polishing.
Flagstones repaired and replaced, then cleaned and sealed and polished.
Sandblasted Flagstone floor in an old Rectory in Loughborough
In severe cases of contamination and in particular where there are very thick layers of varnish it is may not be possible to remove these via chemical stripping. In the event of this we use our sandblasting method to remove the unwanted material from the Flagstones. We have developed our own technique for this to ensure that the best results are obtained; and that only the minimum of surface is removed. Obviously one of the downsides of this process is that dust is produced from the process; we reduce this by using dust extraction and carefully sealing off areas to be treated and finally we conduct a full clean upon completion; as always we have the care of your property at the forefront.
Heavily contaminated with very thick layers of solvent based varnishes resulting in years of structural damage to the stone with the underlying dampness unable dissipate and causing the stone to delaminate in large areas (flake off). Thankfully the stone floor was saved just in time as the dampness was also causing the stone itself to soften and become unstable.
The flagstones are now free from contaminates and the stone can begin to recover from the previous moisture saturation. After the sandblasting the flagstones are sealed with several coats of a micro porous sealer to maintain breathability and the seal also assists in consolidating the stone.
Common Problems
Likely causes
Our services
Delamination/softening of the surface
Floor coverings not micro porous causing softening of the stone.
Existing seals contaminates preventing 'breathability' of the stone
Deep chemical removal of all stone contaminates.
Reseal with specialist micro porous protective sealants, which will also assist in consolidating the surface.
If the flagstones are heavily contaminated with thick layers of varnish etc, then it may be necessary to sandblast the stones.
Uneven/unlevelled stones and trip hazards
Substrate movement
Carefully Lift stones, and relay on renewed and leveled substrate.
Damaged and cracked Stones
Substrate movement and softening of stone as above
Remove seriously damaged stones, source suitable reclaimed flagstones fit and re grout.
Flagstones Difficult to clean surface absorbs water and stains readily.
Flagstones are in an unsealed condition or the existing seals are failing.
Deep Chemical clean stones and reseal with specialist micro porous protective sealants.
Flagstone Grout missing
General ageing of old grouts.
Replace missing areas of grout; rake or grind out all other loose grout and refill with suitable filler.
Flagstones have lost their original lustre and smoothness
General wear and tear
Machine polish where possible (not suitable for rough textured stones).
Flagstones dampness and staining
Impervious floor coverings or flagstone contaminates preventing dissipation of moisture into the atmosphere.
It is normally the case that period flagstone floors will not have an under floor damp proof membrane. However in the majority of cases this is fine provided that the floors are allowed to ‘breath’.
Effervescence and white calcium deposits
Moisture rising from the soil under the floor will contain nitrates (salts) that appear on the surface as a white powder.
Deep chemical clean, treat effervescence staining and deposits then application of specialist Effervescence treatment sealants (we are accredited installers of this specialist product).