Either whole floor or partial re grouting of the quarry floor.
Replacing missing or damaged quarry tiles.
Grout deep cleaning
Provide you with full aftercare instructions.
What to expect:
Our seal is glossy to begin and will tone down to a more natural satin finish after 2 months; the fully cured finish will then resemble a naturally waxed floor – that said a number of our customers prefer the glossy appearance at the beginning!
Quarry floor with screed in Cardiff
This 1940’s quarry tiled floor was covered with a cement screed; we removed the screed, sourced and replaced some damaged tiles before chemical cleaning and sealing.
After removing the concrete screed the floor was re grouted and finally sealed and polished.
Quarry tiles with glue and underlay imprints in Dudley
The tiles were contaminated with glue and staining from the previous carpet underlay.
All glue now removed; some areas of the floor re grouted; sealed and polished.
Quarry tiled floors common problems and Solutions - We provide the full range of services
Common Problems
Likely causes
Our services
Quarry tiles attract dirt and stain easily and are difficult to clean.
Ineffective and inferior seals /polishes applied which fail to prevent soiling of the tiles.
Removal of all existing seals back to bare original clay tile - the stripping technique as well as the difficulty /ease of this process will depend on the seals previously applied.
Recoat with a good quality easy care for protective penetrating seal.
Quarry tiles are yellowing and discoloured; the finish is obscuring the natural colour and beauty of the tile.
In correct seals applied – as above – the polish has degraded and yellowed.
We will Remove inappropriate seals and treat as above.
Quarry tiles are cracked or chipped.
Tiles laid on newly laid concrete floor that has not had sufficient drying/curing time; the subsequent movement of the concrete causes the tiles to crack.
Quarry tiles laid on incorrect adhesives – the adhesive should be flexible to allow for contraction and expansion.
In cases where the tiles are newly laid then If under floor heating is installed then this should be set to its lowest setting and gradually increased over a period of 4 weeks; setting the temperature on a high setting will inevitably lead to cracking of the tiles as the adhesives and grout should be permitted to dry naturally as well as acclimatizing the tiles.
Structural movement – natural under floor movement of concrete etc.; again this is more prevalent in cases where the adhesives are not flexible and tends to occur at weak spots such as doorways.
We will carefully remove the tile/s before replacing the tile embedding it on a flexible adhesive and grout.
Please note that if you have electrical circuit type under floor heating system fitted that there is a risk of damage to the system and that whilst we take every care in removing the tile that we are unable to accept responsibility for any damage.
There is far less risk of damage involved with a 'wet' under floor heating system which consists of water heated pipes located 1-2" below the substrate and in any case any damage can be more easily rectified.
Quarry tiles grouting is discoloured or missing in areas.
General wear and tear; inappropriate seals applied which attract soiling.
We will deep chemical clean the grout and in most cases the grout will return almost to its original condition.
Missing grout will be replaced with very closely matching filler. After the above the grout will be sealed with the same high efficiency penetrating seal as above.
In cases where the grout is generally loose, crumbling etc. we can also remove all of the grout and replace it with fresh grout.