We can provide the full range of repair and refinishing works including:
Replacing badly damaged tiles with our stock of carefully selected reclaimed Victorian quarry tiles.
Re grouting - either replacing missing grout or whole floor re grouting.
Levelling of floor tiled areas - removal of tiles, renewal of the substrate before reinstating the tiles.
Removal of old screed and other unwanted coverings from the tiles.
Stain and contaminate removal from the tiles.
Application of appropriate micro porous seals and finishing.
Provide you with full after care instructions
What to expect:
Here are just a few examples of our work –after 20 years spent restoring these floors we have accumulated a vast knowledge base and library of photographs showing the results of our work. We have many more examples of restored Victorian tiled floors that we are able to send you; and we are often able to send you a very close example of your own floor!
Glue affected old quarry floor tiles
This old quarry floor had glue and other unwanted material on the tiles.
The old quarry tiles were chemically cleaned before applying micro porous sealers and then polished.
Victorian red and black Victorian quarry tiles in Bath.
This tiled floor was in an unsealed condition and absorbing stains as well as being difficult to clean; the tiles also lacked colour and definition.
The tiles were cleaned and dried before applying breathable protective sealers and polished.
Stroud red and black Victorian restored quarry tiles
Effervescence staining on old tiles; this is caused by nitrates in the soil permeating through the tiles and manifesting as salts; wiping the surface clean only provides a very temporary solution and specialist treatments and sealants are required to permanently treat the problem.
Effervescence (salts) treated at the cleaning preparation stage and then sealed with specialist effervescence treatment seal to prevent re occurrence. In severe cases of effervescence it may be necessary to repeat the seal treatment especially in cases of extreme floor dampness
Worcester Victorian quarry tile restoration
These large Victorian tiles had been laid in a refurbished barn and had the benefit of a new concrete under floor with a damp proof membrane fitted; a breathable sealer was not therefore required and we were able to use our own unique stain proof sealer to protect the tiles.
The sealer also added colour and definition and provided an easy to care for floor.
Cleaned and stain proof treated quarry tiles; now easy to care for and very low maintenance –this system can last up to 10 years without recoating!
Solihull Victorian quarry Floor
An interesting combination of different Victorian floor types blending in harmony; the floor comprised of black and white encaustic tiles, red Victorian quarry tiles and a few flagstones at the bottom of the stairs. We sourced tile replacements to repair the floor whilst preserving the original tiles where possible. Chemically cleaned then sealed with a micro porous sealer before machine burnishing.
Replacing original tiles is a subjective matter; if original reclaimed tiles cannot be sourced then it is sometimes better to preserve the original tiles in the floor. We can recall a project working for a curator of the National History museum; the customer had a rare Victorian tiled floor and she was anxious to preserve all but the most serious of damaged tiles; we tend to agree that retaining the original tiles should be always be considered.
Surrey red and black Victorian quarry floor in need of repairs
This floor had a number of tiles missing and filled with concrete; we used our own stock of reclaimed Victorian tiles to affect the repairs, re grouted the tiles before chemically deep cleaning and sealing the floor.
The tiles are now been completely refurbished with the reclaimed tiles now replaced and blending in without any noticeable difference.
Common Problems
Likely causes
Our services
Delamination/softening of the surface
Floor coverings not micro porous.
Existing seals contaminates preventing 'breathability' of the stone
Remove impervious floor seals etc.
Deep chemical removal of all stone contaminates.
Reseal with specialist micro porous protective sealants, which will also assist in consolidating the surface.
Uneven/unlevelled stones and trip hazards
Substrate movement
Carefully Lift quarry tiles and relay on renewed and levelled substrate.
Damaged and cracked quarry tiles
Substrate movement and softening of stone as above
Remove seriously damaged tiles, source suitable reclaimed quarry-tiles fit and re grout.
Difficult to clean surface absorbs water and stains readily.
Victorian quarry tiles are in an unsealed condition or the existing seals are failing.
Deep Chemical clean tiles and reseal with specialist micro porous protective sealants.
Quarry tiles with grout missing
General ageing of old limestone grout.
Replace missing areas of grout; rake or grind out all other loose grout and refill with suitable microporous filler.
Quarry tiles have lost their original lustre and smoothness
General wear and tear
Machine polish.
Quarry tiles with dampness and staining
Impervious floor coverings or contaminates preventing dissipation of moisture through the tiles.
It is normally the case that period quarry floors will not have an under floor damp proof membrane. However in the majority of cases this is fine provided that the floors are allowed to ‘breath’.
Effervescence and white calcium deposits
Moisture rising from the soil under the floor will contain nitrates (salts) that appear on the surface as a white powder.
Deep chemical clean, treat effervescence staining and deposits then application of specialist Effervescence treatment sealants (we are accredited installers of this specialist product).